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  • br Proposed methodology At the outset the wind power outputs


    Proposed methodology At the outset, the wind power outputs must be obtained which are to be included in the OPF model. This work utilizes a modified version of the simulation method. Rather than using the simulated wind power values for each hour of the year, the probability of each wind power interval is defined. Contrary to the conventional simulation approach, the current work defines twelve states and determines their probability. OPF is solved for the mid value of each power interval and the resulting operational indices are weighted with the probability of each interval. This enables obtaining the operational parameters with only 12 OPFs for each IC and TPI compared to 8760 OPFs if conventional simulation approach is employed. Hence the CS, ER, CFVI and PLV values are obtained with much fewer OPFs thus saving considerable computational burden. The cost and emission before and after wind AM 281 are obtained from the solution of the OPF problem for each mid point value of wind power interval. The test systems are segregated into two groups based on the available generator characteristics. The OPF solution for test systems of group-1 are obtained using MIPS solver inbuilt in MATPOWER software [50]. The MC and ME solution for the test systems of Group-2 are obtained using fmincon function and MO solution is obtained using fgoalattain function of MATLAB Optimization Toolbox. The function fgoalattain obtains solution by minimizing deviation from the defined goals of each of the objectives. A set of pareto-optimal solutions are obtained by assigning different weights to each of the objectives. The details of the fgoalattain function are described in (19).where x is the vector of decision variable i.e. the power generation is the vector containing values of objective functions is the initial value of the decision variable is the vector of minimum values of objective functions when optimized separately is the vector of weights assigned to each objective in the pareto front is the set of inequality constraints is the set of equality constraints and are lower and upper values of decision variables i.e. the minimum and maximum values of power generation is the set of nonlinear constraints can be utilized to provide function specific details such as display options the final solution to the multiobjective problem is obtained by using fuzzy membership function of each pareto-optimal solution as described in Equations (20), (21) [19].where is the fuzzy membership and in the pareto front\'s solution, measure of the objective function; and are the highest and lowest values of objective function across all solutions.where is the membership function of the solution, is the number of pareto-optimal solutions and is the number of objectives. It is to be noted here that the above mentioned MATLAB functions include the solution of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) equations. However, the focus of this work is not to obtain global optimum and the solution obtained using MATLAB functions is close, when compared to those reported in past publications for the considered test systems with regards to practical importance of the problem. The solution approach is summarized in the following steps. AM 281 The same is depicted pictorially in Fig. 2.
    Results and discussion The impact of wind integration at five different penetration levels and TPI values are obtained in eleven test power systems. Initially the test systems are described followed by wind power values. Then the operational indices CS, PLV, CFVI in Group-1 and CS, ER, CFVI in Group-2 are separately described. The combined metric for each IC and TPI are then obtained. Finally, the indices across all IC and TPI are combined to obtain the composite metric for each group.
    Introduction Colonization causes new connections and relationships between migrating humans and their cultural and natural environments that can be examined through studying dietary change (Twiss, 2012). Originating from South-East Asia, the first settlers of the Pacific region east of the Solomon archipelago are associated with the Lapita culture that appeared about 3300 years ago in north Melanesia (Summerhayes et al., 2010; Skoglund et al., 2016; Valentin et al., 2016). These original colonizers are generally regarded as people with a mixed subsistence economy that combined the exploitation of marine resources with a low level of terrestrial resource production based on chicken or pig husbandry and taro cultivation (Groube, 1971; Burley, 1999; Kirch, 2002; Kennett et al., 2006). In less than 500 years after the first arrivals in the pristine islands, food resources used by humans appear to have largely changed. Consumption of wild terrestrial and marine foods decreased and the agricultural component of the diet increased (Davidson et al., 2002; Kirch, 2002; Anderson, 2009; Sheppard, 2011). A declining mid-Holocene sea level and human-induced landscape alteration including deforestation and faunal extinctions have been identified as potential driving forces that –coupled with an increasing emphasis on the products of horticulture– caused significant dietary change between the beginning and the end of the Lapita period (Clark and Anderson, 2009; Cochrane et al., 2011; Sheppard, 2011). From a dietary change perspective there are three issues in our understanding of Lapita subsistence that require investigation: (1) what was the balance between native animal, plant and marine foods and introduced foods, especially tuber crops?, (2) did the shift toward horticultural foods occur soon after colonization everywhere in the Pacific?, and (3) what influence did population size and mobility have on these processes?